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Dragon Ball Z 

Vegeta Saiyan Saga

Vegeta saiyajin saga by raykugen-d31rma5


Vegeta is an Elite Class warrior far superior to Goku in his base form. Goku has to use the Kaio-Ken times 3 in order to best Vegeta in power.

Great Ape Vegeta

572969-vegeta oozaru by maffo1989 d4u77em


The Great Ape tranformation is Stated to be 10 times more powerful than a Saiyan normal base power level.

Vegeta (Namek Saga)

Vegeta saiyasaga by maffo1989-d45yzue


Vegeta received a Zenkai boost after his battle with Goku on Earth, putting Vegeta on the same level as Goku when using the Kaio-Ken x3.

Vegeta (Namek Saga 2nd Zenkai)

Colored 011 vegeta 004 by vicdbz-d3bbjq0


After being beaten by Zarbon, Vegeta is put in the rejuvenation chamber giving him another boost in power. He later defeats Zarbon effortlessly and is even able to challenge Recoome.

Vegeta (Frieza Saga)

Namek saga vegeta evolution of the saiyans by li by rough84-dbxeekh


After his battle with Recoome Vegeta receives a Third Zenkai boost making more powerful than the Ginyu Force and Goku while using the Kaio-Ken times 2.

Vegeta (vs 1st Form Frieza)

Vegeta render

Around 530,000

Vegeta recovers his full power once he takes a nap. Vegeta is able surprise Frieza who has a power level of 530,000.

Vegeta (Healed By Dende)



After Being mortally wounded by Krillin, Vegeta is healed by Dende. Vegeta believes that he is the legendary Super Saiyan after he gains his new found powers. He is still no match for a Final Form Frieza who was toying with the Saiyan Prince.

Vegeta (Trunks Saga)

Vegeta badman by brusselthesaiyan-db389av


Vegeta is stronger than he was on Namek after being beaten by Frieza. While waiting for Goku to arrive on Earth, Goku even asks if Vegeta if he was the one who defeated Frieza possibly implying that Vegeta may have reached Super Saiyan. In other words, nice shirt.

Vegeta (Android Saga 3 Years Later)



During the 3 year time skip Vegeta trains in 450 times earths normal in hopes to become a Super Saiyan and surpasses his rival Goku.

Super Saiyan Vegeta



During his time training in outer-space Vegeta finally becomes a Super Saiyan. Vegeta makes short work of Android 19 who had absorbed energy from Goku and from himself. Trunks believes that Super Saiyan Vegeta may be close to Android 18's power.

Vegeta (Imperfect Cell Saga)

Vegeta by maffo1989-d7avdoe


Vegeta trains in the hyperbolic time chamber along side Trunks in order to defeat the Androids. In the Anime Goku states that Vegeta would have to have tripled his strength to stand a chance against Cell.

Super Saiyan Vegeta

Vegeta ssj by maffo1989-d8gpwpg


Super Saiyan Grade II Vegeta

Super V2

1 Billion

While training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber Vegeta discovered a way to go beyond Super Saiyan. Calling himself Super Vegeta, he easily toys around with Semi-Perfect Cell until he reaches his Perfect form.

Super Saiyan Grade II Vegeta (Final Flash)


1.4 Billion

Vegeta (Cell Games)

Vegeta render 2


Vegeta goes back into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber in hopes to catch up to Goku's power and to defeat Perfect Cell. Even after the fact Vegeta is very powerful but still below Goku & Gohan.

Super Saiyan Vegeta 


1.8 Billion

As a Super Saiyan Vegeta is able to keep up with the Cell Jr's. Vegeta's power increases when Trunks is killed by Super Perfect Cell to around 2,200,000,000.

Vegeta (World Tournament Saga 7 Years Later)

Card 1010580 character


Vegeta had done nothing but train during the 7 years after the Cell Games. His goal is to no longer surpass Goku but instead his son Gohan. Vegeta has surpassed Gohan from the Cell Games and has also gained the Super Saiyan 2 transformation.

Super Saiyan Vegeta


2.7 Billion

Vegeta's Super Saiyan form is much more powerful than it was 7 years ago during the Cell Games. Vegeta has also learned to master this form without using any energy like Gohan & Goku did during their fight with Cell.

Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta 


5.4 Billion

Vegeta reached Super Saiyan 2 while training during the 7 year gap after the Cell Games. Vegeta has become more powerful than Gohan was against Cell.

Vegeta (Babadi Saga)

Super Saiyan Majin Vegeta

Majin vegeta by frost z-dbux8po

3 Billion

After catching a glimpse of Goku's power Vegeta allows himself to be taken over by Babadi's magic closing the gap between his and Goku's power.

Super Saiyan 2 Majin Vegeta


6 Billion

Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta and Super Saiyan 2 Goku are stated to be equal during their battle. After catching Goku off guard Vegeta knocks him out and goes off to fight Majin Buu who completely outclasses Vegeta.

Vegeta (Fusion Saga)

Vegeta Buu Saga Render Base


After being sent back to Earth by King Yemma in order to help Goku fight Buu. Vegeta had maintained the power boost that he received from Babadi making him equal to Goku.

Vegeta (Kid Buu Saga)



Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta


6 Billion

Vegeta tries to hold off Kid Buu to buy time for Goku to reach his maximum power. Kid Buu completely dominates Vegeta but he is able to withstand the fierce beating.

Dragon Ball Super

Vegeta (Battle of Gods Saga 6 Months Later)



Vegeta had continued his Training after Majin Buu's defeat but he is still beneath Goku due to lacking the Super Saiyan 3 transformation.

Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta

Vegeta super saiyan or ss2 i dont know by nekoar-dbd9rm2

6.75 Billion

Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta (Quake of Fury)


675 Billion

In the Dragon Ball Super Anime Beerus states that it took 10% of his power to beat Vegeta putting him far above Super Saiyan 3 Goku at this point.

Vegeta (Resurrection F Saga)

Rof vegeta

7.5 Trillion 

Vegeta had trained for months with Whis in the Realm of the Gods. Putting him on godly levels allowing Vegeta to tap into his godly ki in his base form.

Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Vegeta

Vegeta super saiyan god super saiyan by dark crawler-da3076f

7.5 Quintillion

While training with Whis Vegeta along side Goku learns to control his God Ki and combined it with his Super Saiyan form triggering the more power Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan or Super Saiyan Blue transformation which is far superior to a regular Super Saiyan God.

Vegeta (Universe 6 Saga)



Vegeta is holding back and does not tap into his God ki during the Universe 6 Tournament.

Super Saiyan Vegeta



Super Saiyan Vegeta is able to take out Frost with ease along with Magetta. Once Cabba became a Super Saiyan he was able to go toe to toe with him in battle but Vegeta still held the advantage.

Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta

Vegeta super saiyan blue aura by frost z-d9xlk2k (1)

8.4 Quintillion   

Vegeta was initially stronger than Hit but Showing Cabba the Super Saiyan Blue transformation lowered his stamina dramatically which only granted him 10% of his full power during the fight putting SSGSS Vegeta around 840 Quadrillion

Vegeta (Future Trunks Saga)


9 Trillion 

Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta (After Hyperbolic Time Chamber)

Super saiyan blue vegeta 3 by brusselthesaiyan-dav07kd

90 Quintillion 

After revisiting the Time Chamber Vegeta returns to the battlefield to face off against Goku Black and is able to humiliate him with ease. In the manga how ever Vegeta uses his Super Saiyan God form and mixes it with his Super Saiyan Blue form to conserve energy in the Anime he fights Black with only using his Super Saiyan Blue form which was 10 times stronger than before due to mastery of the form.

Vegeta (Tournment of Power Saga) 

Vegeta de espaldas by saodvd-davg917

95 Trillion 

Vegeta trains for a Fifth and final time in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber before the Tournament of Power.  

Super Saiyan Vegeta

Super saiyan 2 vegeta by brusselthesaiyan-dald341

4.5 Quadrillion 

As a Super Saiyan Vegeta is able to combat eliminate multiple enemies from other Universes. 

Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta

Vegeta ssj blue 6 by saodvd-db1i1mq

95 Quintillion 

Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta is able to go toe to toe with Toppo the 2nd stronger warrior from Universe 11

Super Saiyan Blue Evolution Vegeta

That new vegeta form by blackflim-dc14son

6.5 Sextillion

After being defeated by Jiren, Vegeta like Goku also breaks through his own natural limits and unleashes a new transformation known as Super Saiyan Blue Evolution. In this form Vegeta is stronger than Goku while in his Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-Ken times 20 state.

Super Saiyan Blue Evolution Vegeta (Full Power)

Vegeta ssj blue full power 2 ki by jaredsongohan-dc2k1kk

9.5 Sextillion 

Vegeta is pushed even further during his battle with God of Destruction Toppo. Vegeta is able to destroy the energy of destruction with his punches effortlessly. He proceeds to defeat Toppo with the Final Explosion technique he used against Buu. That attack is a suicidal attack in which Vegeta survives due to his immense Godly Ki. Even with his new found powers Vegeta is still absolutely no match for Jiren who is still heavily suppressed at the time.

Dragon Ball GT

Vegeta (Baby Saga)


4.5 Billion 

Vegeta is mentioned by Trunks to be one of the people on Earth stronger than him and Pan. During the Baby Saga, Vegeta is remarked by Goten to be the strongest Saiyan on Earth. He is able to easily avoid Super Saiyan Baby Gohan's Kamehameha in base, and is able to easily overpower him in Super Saiyan form.

Super Saiyan Vegeta


225 Billion 

A heavily suppressed Super Saiyan Vegeta was able to easily take on Super Saiyan 2 Gohan & Super Saiyan Goten even though they have been taken over by Baby. It was remarked by Baby that Vegeta has the mightiest body in the universe and the perfect one for him to be able to defeat Goku. This is proven correct when the two become Baby Vegeta.

Baby Vegeta

Base baby vegeta

4.5 Trillion 

Goku notes that Baby Vegeta as a Super Saiyan is an even match for kid Goku as a Super Saiyan 3 (who cannot use the form's true power without his tail). Note this form is Baby's verison of Super Saiyan Vegeta.

Baby Vegeta Strongest Form 1

Super Baby Vegeta 1

9 Trillion

After receiving energy from Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Bulla and transforming into Strongest Form 1, Goku notes that he hasn't never felt a ki as incredible as Baby's

Baby Vegeta Strongest Form 2

Super Baby Vegeta 2

36 Trillion 

Baby says he's now obtained the greatest Saiyan power. In Strongest Form 2, Baby Vegeta is capable of defeating Majuub by using his full power, however, he is still defeated, though not as bad as previously. After Goku re-obtains his tail he believes that his power has skyrocketed and that he is strong enough to defeat Super Baby 2 though Baby thinks his power has not changed at all and while Goku can hold his own, Baby proves undamaged by his assault. While in Strongest Form 2, in the initial phase of their fight Baby Vegeta is able to hold his own against Super Saiyan 4 Goku, and even hurt him, though he is overall outmatched in the battle, he then uses a Revenge Death Ball, though Goku takes the attack head-on with no damage.

Golden Great Ape Baby Vegeta

Baby vegeta gorille gant dbgt saga baby by sakasakoo-da196mu

45 Trillion

According to Gohan & the GT Perfect Files, he's slightly stronger. During the final battle and having his powers restored and then further amplified by additional Blutz Waves (in the Japanese dub he only has his full power restored, not increased)

Vegeta (Super 17 Saga)

Vegeta normal gt by anjoicaros-d6fa5cq

90 Billion 

Super Saiyan Vegeta,

Vegeta ssj ropa de gt by vaer2000-d6vvp3j (1)

4.5 Trillion

Vegeta utilizes his new, Final Shine Attack against Super 17 which has no affect on him, 17 just absorbs his attack making him stronger

Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta


9 Trillion

Vegeta (Shadow Dragons Saga)

GT Vegeta

100 Billion

Vegeta received a massive power boost due to heavy training and absorbing large amounts of Blutz waves in order to re-grow a tail and transform into a Great Ape.

Great Ape Vegeta

Oozaru Goku

1 Trillion  

After being flooded Blutz Waves by Bulma's Blutz Wave Generator, Vegeta is able to regrow a tail and successfully turn into a Great Ape.

Golden Great Ape Vegeta


500 Trillion

Vegeta is able to gain control of the Great Ape, upon gaining control Vegeta turns into a Golden Great Ape then into a Super Saiyan 4.

Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta


2.5 Quadrillion 

Upon gaining control of the Golden Great Ape form. Vegeta had absorbed enough Blutz waves it triggered his Super Saiyan 4 Transformation making him equal to Super Saiyan 4 Goku. After reaching Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta Fuses with Goku to make the most powerful fusion in existence Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta.

Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta


10 Trillion

Once Vegeta Loses his Super Saiyan 4 powers, he transforms into a Super Saiyan 2 in a last ditch effort against Omega Shenron.
