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Kid Goku

Goku Pilaf Saga

Power Level: 10 ( 8 if Hungry )

Son Goku lived and was trained by Grandpa Gohan for the first twelve years of his life, making him stronger than most humans at the time.


Great Ape Goku

Multiplier: 10X

Goku Great Ape Pilaf Saga

Power Level: 100

Not knowing about his heritage, Goku would stare at the moon, causing him to turn into a Great Ape, drastically increasing his size and multiplying his strength ten times. He grew so strong that he could destroy the stronghold Pilaf had been working on for a while. His tail eventually got cut off by Puar.


Kid Goku (Turtle Hermit Training Saga)

Goku Tailless


Goku decides to train under Roshi to grow stronger. He meets Krillin and trains by carrying milk cartons across an island village and digging out fields. Roshi tells his students that they will participate in the 21st Annual Tenkaichi Budokai in 8 months to test their strength.


Kid Goku (21st Tenkaichi Budokai Saga)



Goku finally enters the Tenkaichi Budokai after 8 months of training. He makes it to the finals against a disguised Roshi and briefly manages to push the old master to his limit.

Great Ape Goku

Goku Great Ape Tournament


Goku stared up at the moon, and once again, transformed into a Great Ape. Luckily for everyone there, Roshi shot and destroyed the moon, letting Goku go back to his base form.

Kid Goku (Red Ribbon Army Saga)

Goku Kamehameha General Blue Saga


Goku tracks down the Dragon Balls and ends up fighting the Red Ribbon Army, eventually defeating them all on his own.

Kid Goku (Korin's Training)

Goku Post Korin Tower


Goku nearly dies after an assassin named Mercenary Tao comes after him so he decides to climb Korin's Tower and drink the Divine Water. He trains under Korin for a few days until he's ready to defeat Tao, climbing down and killing him once and for all.

Kid Goku (Fortuneteller Baba Saga)


Goku goes to Fortuneteller Baba's place to learn the location of the last Dragon Ball. Because he doesn't have enough money to ask directly, he has to fight Baba's fighters alongside the other Z-Fighters.

Kid Goku (22nd Tenkaichi Budokai Saga)

180 (144 Tired)

After 3 years of training the now 15-year-old Goku fights in the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai. After Tien-Shinhan breaks Yamcha's leg Goku fights to get his revenge. In the end, Tien wins because Goku lands outside of the ring first.

Kid Goku (Demon King Piccolo Saga)

Goku Pre Divine Water


After Krillin is murdered following the 22nd World Tournament, Goku goes after his friend's killer. He eventually tracks down the monster, Tambourine, who defeats him fairly easily. He ultimately recovers and teams up with Yajirobe, a samurai who kills another of King Piccolo's children, and manages to kill Tambourine in a rematch. He then goes to fight Demon King Piccolo, but is beaten easily and retreats to Korin's Tower.

Kid Goku (Ultra Divine Water)

Goku Post Divine Water


Goku drinks the Korin's Ultra Divine Water becoming much stronger. He kills the strongest of Piccolo's children, Drum, in one hit then fights on par with Piccolo. Afterward, he can barely defeat King Piccolo, saving the rest of the world from the demon king.

Goku (23rd Tenkaichi Budokai Saga)

Goku Weighted


The now 19-year-old Goku enters the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai along with the Z-Fighters and Kami. He faces off against the young girl, Chi Chi, and his former rival, Tien, in the quarter and semi-finals.

Goku (Weighted Clothing Removed)


After revealing his weighted clothing, Goku beats Tien easily, then faces off against the 4th of Piccolo's children, Piccolo Jr, in the tournament final.

Goku's Super Kamehameha

Goku Super Kamehameha


Goku easily overpowers Piccolo and almost kills him with a Super Kamehameha, even when Piccolo becomes a giant. But Goku let down his guard and was mortally wounded in the shoulder by a blast from Piccolo. But in the end, Goku wins and ends up sparing his life.

Dragon Ball Z

Goku (Raditz Saga)


Son Goku's brother, Raditz, has arrived on earth. Goku was confused, but Raditz explained that Son Goku was an alien, and he was sent to Earth to exterminate life on the planet. Raditz easily defeats Goku without any difficulty, kidnaps his son, and promises to return him only if Goku agrees to join forces with him.

Goku (Weighted Clothing Removed)


In his battle with Raditz, Goku removes his weighted clothing, increasing his battle power to a noticeable degree. However, he is still no match for Raditz, whose power level was around 1,500.

Goku's Super Kamehameha


Goku and Piccolo split up. Goku fought Raditz alone to buy time for Piccolo to charge up his Special Beam Cannon. Goku also charged up a powerful Kamehameha, which Raditz's scouter detected, had raised his power level to 924, but was barely enough to damage Raditz.

Goku (Saiyan Saga)

Goku Post Training with King Kai

5,000 (Suppressed) 8,000 (Full power)

After his death from his previous battle with Raditz, Goku trained on King Kai's planet for a year (six months actually, because it took him six months to cross the snake road) and had grown much stronger. His power level is now around 8,000. While suppressed, his power level was around 5,000, according to Vegeta's scouter. He was able to toy around with Nappa and had no real problems with him until Nappa aimed a Mouth Canon attack at Gohan and Krillin.

Goku (Kaioken ×2)

16,000 (2× Base Form)

Just as Nappa was about to kill Gohan and Krillin, Goku went Kaio-Ken ×2 and broke Nappa's back, which prevented him from moving anymore. Vegeta had no use with him and killed him off. Later when Goku and Vegeta fought, Goku doubled his power again when he realized Vegeta's base form was superior to his. But when Vegeta released his full power, even the Kaio-ken ×2 was not enough to beat him.

Goku (Kaiioken ×3)

24,000 (3× Base Form)

Goku is forced to use the Kaio-Ken ×3 to fight Vegeta to best him in power. Goku was able to dominate Vegeta, which got the Saiyan angry, and so Vegeta tried to blow up the Earth with his Galick Gun.

Goku (Kaioken ×4)

32,000 (4× Base Form)

Goku & Vegeta are locked in a beam struggle but the Kaio-Ken ×3 isn't enough to hold back Vegeta's Galick Gun, forcing Goku to amp his power up to ×4. With his new strength, Goku unleashes a Kamehameha wave which completely overpowers both Vegeta and his Galick Gun.

Goku (Captain Ginyu Saga)



On his way to Planet Namek, Goku trained in a space pod, made by Bulma's dad, for six days in 100× Earth’s normal gravity pushing his power to new heights. During the fight with the Ginyu Force, Goku one-shot Recoome and toyed with Jeice & Burter with his incredible speed.

Goku (Kaioken ×2)


While fighting against Captain Ginyu, Goku multiplies his powers with the Kaio-ken ×2. Goku's power is enough to scare Captain Ginyu who has a max power level of 120,000. Ginyu believes that Goku is the Saiyan of Legend; a Super Saiyan. After seeing Goku's power Ginyu decides to steal Goku's body to gain Goku's incredible power.

Goku (Possessed by Captain Ginyu)


Captain Ginyu spontaneously stabs his chest, before revealing his true plot resorting to his ability to exchange bodies in an attempt to level with Goku. The body change is a success, but Captain Ginyu fails to make the most of Goku's body’s power level of 180,000 stopping short at just 23,000.

Goku (Frieza Saga)

Goku Fully Recovered


Once Goku gets his body back he is taken to the Rejuvenation Chamber in Frieza's spaceship to heal from his battle with the Ginyu Force. After he is completely healed, he receives a massive increase in power so much that even he couldn't believe it himself. Goku is now certain that he can take on Frieza. Goku and Frieza (in his final form), fought on par with each other for a while, only because Frieza was heavily suppressing himself. Once Frieza decided to get serious, Goku was overpowered and realized that beating Frieza was a feat beyond him.

Goku (Kaioken ×10)

30,000,000 (10× Base Form)

Due to his training in 100× gravity, Goku can easily push his Kaio-Ken to ×10 while fighting Frieza, but it still proves to be no match for Frieza using half of his power.

Goku (Kaioken ×20)

60,000,000 (20× Base Form)

This is Goku's first attempt at using the Kaio-Ken ×20. After being put in a near-death situation Goku unleashes a powerful Kaio-ken ×20 Kamehameha on Frieza, but he only sustained minor burns to Frieza's arm, which Frieza stated, was the only attack that hurt him, and took half of his power to stop.

Goku's Large Spirit Bomb


In the heat of battle, Goku decided a large Spirit Bomb would finish Frieza off, but he needed time to make it, so he decided to stall. But his stalling only made Frieza pissed off at him, and he mercilessly beat Goku up while he stood still. Alas, Frieza noticed what Goku was up to and was about to finish him off, when Piccolo came in with a powerful kick and knocked Frieza down. Once Goku had finished forming the Spirit Bomb, he threw it down upon Frieza, which Frieza prevented from stopping and was caught in the blast. But with all that happened, Frieza still survived.

Super Saiyan Goku

150,000,000 (50× Base Form)

Goku, as a Super Saiyan, takes no damage from any of Frieza's attacks. Frieza proves to be no match for Goku until he reaches his maximum power, where he can fight on par with Goku. Goku could've still easily bested him, but decides to hold himself back to allow Frieza to reach his full power. Frieza's stamina eventually starts to drain, and that gives Goku the upper hand in battle, leading to his victory.

Goku (Trunks Saga)


After Goku escapes the destruction of Planet Namek, his space pod crash lands on Planet Yardrat where he learns the Instant Transmission technique. While on Yardrat, he was nursed back to good health and set off for earth, a year and a half later. When he returns to Earth, he is surprised to see his friends waiting for him exactly where he landed and goes to speak with the Future Trunks about the terror of the Androids.

Super Saiyan Goku


Future Trunks requested Goku turn into a Super Saiyan, and Goku does so with much more ease than before, proving to be stronger than he was on Namek. Once Trunks also transformed into a Super Saiyan, he proved stronger than him as he casually blocked Trunks' sword attacks with a finger.

Goku (Android Saga)


Goku, along with the rest of the Z-fighters trained during the three years after Trunks warned them about the Androids. Vegeta trained off world hoping to surpass Goku and become a Super Saiyan, but when three years had passed, all the Z-fighters were way stronger than they were before.

Super Saiyan Goku (Full Power Unseen)


Goku went Super Saiyan against Android #19 and proved to be more powerful than the Androids that were previously attacking the West City. But little did he know his problems were yet to arrive.

Super Saiyan Goku (Attacked by Heart Virus)


Goku's power continued decreasing in battle and he began to struggle against #19. Even after receiving a senzu bean, it didn't help his case. He eventually began losing and only fueled #19 with more power when he shot a Kamehameha at him and he absorbed it. That's when Gohan realized that the heart virus was attacking his heart, which had delayed the time it was actually supposed to come which was to have been six months ago. Goku lost to Android #19 and had large portions of his energy sapped from him.

Goku (Perfect Cell Saga)


After Vegeta and Future Trunks left the Time Chamber, Goku and Gohan stepped into it and trained for a few months. (Note this is when Goku was last in his base form before the cell games)

Super Saiyan Goku


This is when Goku first discovered grades 2 and 3 making him much stronger than before the cell saga.

Super Saiyan Goku (Grade II)


62.5×base form (1.25 Super Saiyan)

During his training, Goku attained the second grade of a Super Saiyan, but he said he wouldn't fight Cell with that form.

Super Saiyan Goku (Grade III)

1,125 billion

75×Base Form(1.5 Super Saiyan)

Goku also managed to master the third grade of a Super Saiyan. Gohan states that Goku finally has enough power to beat Semi-Perfect Cell, but Goku pointed out the heavy muscles and huge stamina drainage, so he refused to fight Cell with that form, and the two of them continued their training.

Goku (Cell Games)

Goku Other World Tournament


Goku trained in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with Gohan for only 319 days, stated by Mr. Popo, who said they had 3 hours left. During that time, he teaches Gohan how to become a Super Saiyan and fully master the Super Saiyan form to conserve more energy while fighting. This is Goku's full base strength.

Super Saiyan Goku (50% of full power)

1,125 billion

After leaving Kami's lookout Goku and Gohan stop at Korin's tower and requested to measure Goku's power, to see how he stacks up against Cell. While only channelling half of his power, it was enough to shock Piccolo, Vegeta and Future Trunks.

Super Saiyan Goku (Full Power)

2,25 billion

Goku warms up against Cell with the both of them using one-third to half their power. Once they decide to get serious, Goku charges up into the full power of a Super Saiyan while fighting Cell. Their fight created vibrations that made the planet tingle, mostly the ring. He put up a good fight, but he still isn't strong enough to defeat Perfect Cell, who was holding a great deal of his power back at the time. Later during the end of the Saga, Goku gave his life to save the earth by teleporting a bloated Semi-Perfect Cell to King Kai's planet because he threatened to blow up the Earth. But Goku died for nothing, because Cell regenerated and obtained Super Saiyan 2, coming back with Instant Teleportation.

Goku (Other World Tournament Saga)


Goku was taken by King Kai to the Otherworld to begin his training, where he heard of the Otherworld Tournament and didn't hesitate in participating.

Super Saiyan Goku

2.5 billion

Goku's last match was against the person who made him want to join the tournament in the first place, Pikkon. As the battle progressed, Goku realized how Pikkon was easily able to defeat Perfect Cell, because he was nearly stronger than Super Perfect Cell, which Goku found to be a problem.

Super Saiyan Goku Kaio-ken ×2/Super Kaio-ken

5 Billion

100 × Base Form

Goku merges the Kaio-Ken ×2 with his full-powered Super Saiyan form to best fight Pikkon. He could easily do this since he was deceased, which would've destroyed his body if he were still alive. Even his massive power boost was not enough to beat Pikkon. But thanks to Goku's battle IQ, he was able to target Pikkon's weakness with a Kamehameha and knocked Pikkon off the ring, declaring him the winner.

Goku (World Tournament, Seven Years Later)


Goku trained in Other World during the seven years of peace on earth after the defeat of Perfect Cell. He has surpassed Gohan, who didn't train at all, and Vegeta who has also been training during the seven years of peace.

Super Saiyan Goku

3 Billion

While fighting Yakon, Babidi's power meter reads Super Saiyan Goku at 3,000 kili's. (1 Kili= 1,000,000. 1,000,000 x 3,000 = 3,000,000,000). Later on, Goku confronted Vegeta's foolishness after he had been mind controlled by Babidi's magic and had started to kill off the people in the crowd. The Supreme Kai, Shin, planned on interfering with their fight, but Goku didn't care anymore, and threatened to kill him if he didn't get out of his way, which greatly surprised Gohan, and even Vegeta.

Super Saiyan 2 Goku (While fighting vegeta)

6 billion

100× Base Form

Goku had attained Super Saiyan 2 while training in Otherworld. Vegeta states that he is stronger than Gohan when he beats Cell and surprises Goku when he shows him he also had attained Super Saiyan 2. And thanks to Babidi's magic, Vegeta's power was equal to Goku's. While Gohan and Shin went off to prevent the revival of Majin Buu, Vegeta and Goku fought on par with each other for quite a while. Even with the both of them fairly wounded, they continued fighting, until Goku sensed Majin Buu's energy. He stopped the fight and persuaded Vegeta to fight with him against Buu, but he was knocked out by Vegeta when he let his guard down.

Super Saiyan 3 Goku (Half Of His Power vs Fat Buu)

12 Billion

200× Base Form

Babidi used Majin Buu to track down Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo who had interfered with the fight between Vegeta and Buu. To stall for time, Goku went out and showed them both his Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 2 transformations. Then Goku stated he could push it beyond and pulled out another transformation that he had obtained from his training. King Kai told Goku that the energy he was charging was violently shaking the entire galaxy and would reduce his time on earth, but he still went ahead with it and pulled out the Super Saiyan 3 transformation. Though he was holding back half of his power, he still had Majin Buu completely overpowered and barely gave him a chance to attack. But using Super Saiyan 3 put a heavy ki strain on Goku, and would've been worse if he were alive.

Super Saiyan 2 Goku (Kid Buu Saga)

6 Billion

100× Base Form

After the destruction of earth, Goku and Vegeta retreated to the World of the Kais, apparently Kid Buu followed them there by locking unto their energies and used Instant Transmission. Goku & Vegeta play a game of rock, paper, and scissors to decide who gets to fight Kid Buu first. Upon winning he powers up to Super Saiyan 2 which has little to no effect on Kid Buu. This fight is in the anime only.

Super Saiyan 3 Goku (FULL POWER)

24 Billion

400× Base Form

Goku realized Kid Buu was toying with him. To get him serious, he unleashed the Super Saiyan 3 transformation. The two of them fought on par with each other, but in reality, Goku was stronger. He just couldn't focus enough to use his full power because of the huge stamina drainage. Their fight shook the entire planet, if more, the entire galaxy, and Kibito Kai, who was on Namek, stated their fight was making the heavens tremble. Super Saiyan 3 Goku at full power has a battle power of 24 Billion

Super Saiyan Goku's Universal Spirit Bomb

600 Billion

Goku was able to gather energy from the entire universe to form his Spirit Bomb in order to defeat Kid Buu. Once he threw it at him, he realized he didn't have the energy to actually use it with full power. But thanks to Dende's wish to Porunga to restore Goku's power, he went Super Saiyan and with the fate of the universe bestowed upon him, killed Kid Buu with the Spirit Bomb, once and for all.

Goku (Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return Saga)


It has been two years of peace on earth since Kid Buu had been defeated and peace reigned on the Earth for a while. Vegeta's brother, Tarbles, after decades, had reunited with Vegeta and told him about the terror of Abo and Kado. Goku asked Tarbles how strong they were, and he used his scouter to measure Goku's power level, which only displayed 960, which was hardly enough.

Super Saiyan Goku

3.25 Bilion

Goku charged up to a Super Saiyan to show Tarbles he was more than enough to handle Abo and Kado, but he and Vegeta let Goten and Trunks handle them. Later at the end of the Saga, Gotenks were screwing around when it finally came to defeating Abo and Kado, so Goku went Super Saiyan and finished the fight

End of Dragon Ball Z

Goku (Peaceful World Saga)

Goku Peaceful World Saga


Ten years had passed since the defeat of Kid Buu, and Goku was actively training Pan and slightly Goten.

Dragon Ball Grand Tour

Goku (Black Star Dragon Balls Saga)


90 Billion

After Goku's last match, which was against the reincarnation of Kid Buu, Uub, Goku trains him around the world. Leaving the peace of the earth with the Z-fighters for 5 years.

Kid Goku (Black-Star Dragon Balls Saga)


The Pilaf Gang discover the Black-Star Dragon Balls and accidentally wish for Goku to be a kid again. Dende tells Goku that they scattered around the universe and if they aren't found in 1 year the Earth will be destroyed. Goku gets in a spaceship with Trunks and Pan and begins traveling the universe in search of them. Because of his new 12-year-old body, Goku can't use most of his old technique's and doesn't have nearly as much power. Despite this, he still manages to fight on par with General Rilldo, who was stated to be stronger than Fat Buu.

Super Saiyan Kid Goku

4.5 Billion

After collecting some of the Dragon Balls, Goku and co. encounter the Luud Cult, a cult that practices Luudism and wants to collect the Dragon Balls for malicous purposes. Goku defeats Leon, Cardinal Mutchy Mutchy, Mutchy, and even Luud himself with the help of Trunks. A couple Dragon Balls later, their robot friend Giru feels homesick and wants to visit Planet M-2. Once they arrive on the planet they're ambushed by the Sigma Force and learn that Giru betrayed them. Goku and Trunks are captured while Pan finds out how to save them and even defeats a member of the Sigma Force on the way. Pan frees Goku and searches for Trunks while Goku takes on the entire Sigma Force. Goku beats them in base, even after they fuse, and rescues Trunks. Right as they're about to leave the planet, General Rilldo shows up and one-shots Pan and Trunks. Goku and Rilldo have a long fight with Goku going Super Saiyan to beat Rilldo even after he enters his second form.

Super Saiyan 2 Kid Goku

Goku SSJ2 GT

9 Billion

Rilldo ends up entering his final form, fusing with the planet itself, Goku has to briefly go Super Saiyan 2 just to fend him off but detransforms into a Super Saiyan for the thrill of the fight. Goku ends up getting distracted once Rilldo goes after Pan and the two get captured after Goku fails to save her. Right as Goku and Pan are about to die, Trunks reveals he was never captured, Giru was never a traitor, and that the mastermind behind the Luud Cult and Planet M-2 had a secret creation named Baby. Goku and co. are shown a larval Baby's growing power and decide to quickly kill it.

Kid Goku (Baby Saga)


9 Billion

After escaping from Planet M-2, collecting another Dragon Ball, and killing a Baby-controlled Rilldo, Goku collects a Dragon Ball and fights a Baby-controlled Trunks. After losing, Baby makes his way to Earth and quickly starts wreaking havoc. Goten steps in to help but is taken over once Baby grows into a preteen. Using his new power he takes control of Gohan and then Vegeta. 3 months later Goku and co. arrive on Earth with all the Dragon Balls but no one's there to greet them. Goku and Pan fly over to Mount Paozu but are attacked by a Baby-controlled Goten and Gohan. Goku starts beating both of them in his base form until Baby appears in Vegeta's body.

Super Saiyan 3 Kid Goku

Goku SSJ3 GT

3.6 Trillion

Baby reveals that he's a Tuffle, a species that lived on Planet Plant before it was taken over by the Saiyans and renamed Planet Vegeta. Baby reveals he wants to kill all the Saiyans and make a new planet full of people he Tuffleized. Baby turns Super Saiyan and Goku turns Super Saiyan 3. Goku barely does any damage with his attacks and powers down into base because of his child body. Baby beats Goku and powers up using the ki of the people he Tuffleized before throwing a Revenge Death Ball at the already half-dead Goku.

Kid Goku (Tail Pulled Out)

8.865 Billion

Kibito Kai saves Goku right before he gets hit but the shockwave makes him drop Goku into an alternate dimension called Sugoroku Space. To get out of Sugoroku Space he has to win a giant board game against a guy who's never lost at it named Sugoro. After playing for a while Goku realises that Sugoro was cheating by having his son Shusugoro transform into the dice. The dimension collapses but Kibito Kai saves Goku and the others again. Kibito Kai takes them to Sacred World of the Kai where Old Kai starts training Goku to unlock his true potential. Because of tensions rising on Planet Plant, Old Kai reveals that he was trying to pull out Goku's tail so they rush it by using pliers and having Goku fly.

Super Saiyan 3 Kid Goku (Tail Regrown)

Goku SSJ3 with Tail

4 Trillion

After Goku gets his tail pulled out he teleports to Planet Plant and starts fighting Baby. He goes Super Saiyan 3 but is easily beaten. Baby says he hasn't grown any stronger.

Golden Great Ape Kid Goku


5 Trillion

500× Base Form

Goku lays on the ground and stares at the Earth defeated, because the Earth has the same amount of blutz waves as the moon it allowed him to transform into a Great Ape. Goku goes Super Saiyan as a Great Ape and starts doing some damage to Baby. Goku rampages across the planet, destroying everything. Pan flies up to him and starts making him remember who he is using old pictures. Once Pan starts crying Goku finally comes back to his senses and transforms again.

Super Saiyan 4 Goku


36 Trillion

4,000× Base Form

Goku emerges from the fog in a new body, upon transforming into Super Saiyan 4 Goku's kid body couldn't handle the power so he transformed back into his adult body. Goku easily overpowers Baby until the Tuffleized Bulma uses her new Blutz Wave Machine to turn Baby into a Golden Great Ape. The two have a close fight until they're both knocked out. Bulma fills Baby with even more Blutz Waves until he's even stronger than before.

Full Power Super Saiyan 4 Goku)


40 Trillion

Old Kai realizes that they can De-Tuffleizes the Saiyans using the Sacred Water on Kami's lookout. Kibito Kai manages to find it and De-Tuffleizes all the Saiyans. Once the Saiyans arrive Goku tells them they won't be able to help that much and just has them give him their energy. Uub, who was eaten by Baby after he lost against him, held Baby back from inside his body. Goku absorbs their energy and attains a new form with a pulsating red aura which he names Full Power Super Saiyan 4. Goku easily beats Baby and chops his tail off, forcing him to leave Vegeta's body. Baby escapes in a spaceship but Goku kills him with a 10x Kamehameha. Even though the Earth faces the side-effects of not bringing the Black-Star Dragon Balls back shortly after, they just wish the Earth back using the Namekian Dragon Balls.

Kid Goku (Super 17 Saga)

Goku SUPER 17

100 Billion

After another year of peace, tragedy strikes once again. Dr. Myuu teamed up with Dr. Gero in Hell to create Hell Fighter 17, an identical copy of Android 17. The two of them then brainwash Android 17 and establish a link between him and Hell Fighter 17. Together, the two Androids open a portal to Hell and let all the old villains onto Earth. The Z-fighters start fighting the old villains while Goku goes to Hell and fights a powered up Cell and Frieza, both stronger than General Rilldo at his best. Goku beats both easily in base but gets trapped in Hell until Piccolo helps him get out.

Super Saiyan Kid Goku

5 Trillion

Goku gets out of Hell and immidiately starts fighting the newly fused Super 17, a fusion of Hell Fighter 17 and Android 17 that's far stronger than the both of them combined. Goku powers up to Super Saiyan but is beaten by a 20% power Super 17.

Super Saiyan 4 Goku

400 Trillion

Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan 4 and starts easily beating Super 17. Goku starts spamming ki blasts which Super 17 absorbs. Goku notices Super 17 can absorb ki attacks so he decides to finish him off with his strongest move, the newly mastered 10x Kamehameha. Super 17 just barely manages to absorb it and becomes far stronger than Goku. Goku desperately restrains Super 17 until Dr. Myuu accidentally gives him the idea to explode. Goku explodes but Super 17 puts up a barrier last minute and blocks it. Goku's left laying at low power with no way to win.

Kid Goku's Dragon Fist

500 Trillion

Suddenly, Android 18 appears and starts blasting Super 17 who absorbs the blasts until Goku realises that he has to stay in a specific pose that leaves him wide open to do it. Goku flies up and hits him with a Dragon Fist before following up with a Kamehameha, finishing the job.

Kid Goku (Shadow Dragons Saga)


1.5 Trillion

Goku and the Z-fighters collect the Dragon Balls so they can fix the destruction caused by Super 17 and the villains from Hell. Pan notices they're cracked but they decide to use them anyway. When they summon Shenron he initially doesn't appear and has to summoned two more times, the sky turns blood red and purple smoke starts coming out of the Dragon Balls. Black Smoke Shenron emerges from the smoke and laughs at them while smoking a cigar before suddenly splitting into 7 pure black copies of Shenron that fly across the Earth. King Kai and Mr. Popo explain to Goku that if the Dragon Balls are overused the minus energy in them builds and that energy forms the Shadow Dragons. Each Dragon is born from a different wish and is extremely powerful, the minus energy alone made King Kai so sick he could barely even move. After a short argument Goku decides to take all of them on with Pan joining shortly after.

Super Saiyan Kid Goku


75 Trillion

Goku defeats the Two-Star, Five-Star, Six-Star, and Seven-Star Dragons in around a week or more using his base, Super Saiyan, and Super Saiyan 4 forms.

Super Saiyan 4 Goku

Super Saiyan 4

2 Quadrillion

Goku and Pan are exploring a city looking for a Shadow Dragon that Giru said was nearby when they're suddenly ambushed by the Four-Star Dragon, Nuova Shenron, who promptly beats Pan but spares her. Goku and Nuova decide to have a fair fight against each other with Goku hiding around the city in base. After a while Goku and Nuova decide to go all out, transforming into a Super Saiyan 4 while Nuova transforms into his True Form. They have a close fight, with Nuova slighting overpowering him using his speed and intelligence. Everything going well until Nuova's twin brother, the Three-Star Dragon, Eis Shenron appears. Eis reveals that he beat Pan half-dead, killed Giru, and stole the Dragon Balls. Goku angrily fights Eis and beats him until Eis uses cheap tricks like using Pan as a body shield. Right before Goku kills him Eis gives up and hands over his Dragon Ball.

Blinded Super Saiyan 4 Goku

Goku SSJ4 Blinded

1 Quadrillion

Eis hands Goku the Dragon Ball but immediately takes it back and slashes Goku in the eyes, blinding him and putting him at half power. Right before Eis kills him Goku punches through Eis and hits him with a Dragon Fist, killing him. Goku starts healing his eyes and chatting with Nuova until a blast bursts through Nuova, killing him. It's revealed that the perpetrator was the One-Star Dragon, Syn Shenron. Goku tries fighting but is beaten easily, even a 10x Kamehameha barely scratches him. Goku is impaled by his leg on a pole and left to bleed out.

Kid Goku (Saiyan Ritual, Blinded)

Son goku gt kid form by krizeii-d6tyter

1.5 Trillion/750 Billion (Pre-ritual)

Right as Goku's about to fall to his death on a stone sword the Saiyans save him and tell him that they're going to give him their energy like they did during Goku's fight with Baby. Uub flies over to Syn and holds him back while Goku absorbs the energy. Goku decides to go beyond what he did before, absorbing extra energy, doubling his power and giving him a new form which he calls Ultra Full Power Super Saiyan 4. Because he's still blinded his increase in power isn't noticeable.

Blinded Ultra Full Power Super Saiyan 4 Goku

Goku Ultra Full Power SSJ4

6 Quadrillion

4,000 × Base Form

Goku powers up into his new form and easily beats Syn, forcing him to absorb the Dragon Balls and become Omega Shenron, becoming way stronger and gaining the abilities of the other Shadow Dragons. Omega decides not to kill Goku just yet and starts beating him over and over again.

Ultra Full Power Super Saiyan 4 Goku

SSJ4 Goku 2

12 Quadrillion

After a couple beatings Goku's eyesight comes back so he tricks Omega and hits him with a 10x Kamehameha and a Dragon Fist, nearly killing him until he uses the Five-Star Dragons ability to regenerate. Goku takes more and more beatings until Goku decides to sacrifice his life to kill Omega. Vegeta suddenly appears and tells Goku he has a plan, using Bulma's new Blutz Wave Machine he transforms into a Great Ape, then a Golden Great Ape, and finally, an Ultra Full Power Super Saiyan 4. Vegeta tells Goku that they won't be able to win like this and need more coordination and precision, they need to fuse. The two of them fuse into Gogeta and beat Omega without even trying. They even get rid of the minus energy on Earth and make Omega revert into Syn. However, because of their high power they unfused after less than 10 minutes. Right before Syn reabsorbs the Dragons Balls Goku eats the Four-Star Ball because it was his grandpa's and he wanted to keep it. Because Omega only had 6/7 of his Dragon Balls he was at a lower power but was still so strong they would need to fuse to beat him. Goku and Vegeta have a tense fight against Omega with them constantly trying to fuse the entire time. Right before they finally fuse the fusion fails because Goku's ki got low from his previous beatdowns and repeated attempts at fusing. Goku's ki gets so low he detransforms into his base form, the Four-Star Ball suddenly appearing on his head.

Kid Goku (Final Battle)

GT Goku Tail

3 Trillion

Goku and Vegeta fight a uphill battle against an unserious Omega. Eventually the Four-Star Ball flies out of Goku's head and manifests into Nuova Shenron, Omega reveals that his negative energy corrupted Nuova, making him evil and way stronger. Vegeta charges at Nuova but is outspend and beaten by a Nuova that was pulling his punches. Right before Nuova kills Goku with a beam he fires it at Omega, revealing that Goku's plus energy was actually the stuff that made Nuova stronger and that he was never evil. Nuova charges at Omega and hits him with his ultimate move, the Burning Spin, if anyone trapped inside the move attacks it causes a massive explosion. Omega outsmarts Nuova by using the Seven-Star Dragon's ability to take over bodies, killing him and absorbing the Four-Star Ball again. Right as Goku and Vegeta prepare to fight, Vegeta runs out of energy as well, detransforming into base and barely managing to go Super Saiyan. The two Saiyans are powerless against Omega, even with the help of the other Saiyans they can't do any damage at all. Omega decides to go all out, shooting a Karma Ball at the Earth and forcing Goku to jump in front of it, Goku dies and the Earth is cratered.

Kid Goku's Super Ultra Spirit Bomb

5.9 Quadrillion

The others are given no time to mourn as Omega starts destroying the Earth with his minus energy, eventually spreading it across the universe. Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, and Trunks have a final stand off against Omega while everyone else runs away, they're beaten over and over again until they notice something peaking out of the crater, a Spirit Bomb. Goku flies up from the crater, revealing that he forced himself to stay alive for a little longer and gathered energy from everyone on Earth to create a Spirit Bomb a little larger than the one he used against Frieza. Goku contacts King Kai and asks him to ask the 3 other Kai's to tell everyone in each quadrant of the universe for their energy. Goku adds the energy to his Spirit Bomb to create a Spirit Bomb that's at least 10,000 feet tall and 8,000 feet wide, the biggest in the whole series. Goku throws it at Omega, killing Omega instantly, the Spirit Bomb then travels into space and explodes. Everyone surrounds the now dead Goku until Shenron suddenly appears without being summoned. He heals Goku's wounds and tells everyone that he won't grant any wishes for a long time due to everything that has happened with the minus energy. Goku asks for one last wish and uses it to revive everyone killed by the villains from Hell, Super 17, and the Shadow Dragons. Goku says goodbye to everyone he met along his journey and flies away with Shenron, disappearing for 99 years.

Goku (End of GT)

Gt adult goku render by boogeyboy1 dfmt9cd-fullview

16 Trillion

Goku reappears after training for 99 years to comfort his great-great grandson Goku Jr. when he was feeling down. Goku then appears a couple months later to watch him fight Vegeta Jr., Vegeta's great-great grandson. Goku leaves right before the match is over, flying into the air and riding away on the Flying Nimbus, marking the end of the Dragon Ball series.

Dragon Ball Super

Goku (Battle of Gods Saga, Four Years Later)

Goku ( Battle of Gods Saga)

70,000,000 (300 billion post-Super Saiyan God ritual)

Goku had not been training much over the 4 years but enough to maintain his power level in the Buu saga

Super Saiyan Goku

Goku (Super Saiyan)

3.5 Billion/15 Trillion (post-Super Saiyan God ritual)

Goku went Super Saiyan, to show off the power he attained over the years. He charged at Lord Beerus, who dodged all his attacks without any difficulty.

Super Saiyan 2 Goku

Goku (Super Saiyan 2)

7 Billion

Goku took the fight up a notch and went Super Saiyan 2, but still failed to land a proper blow on Lord Beerus.

Super Saiyan 3 Goku

Goku (Super Saiyan 3)

28 Billion

Super Saiyan 3 Goku is easily defeated by Lord Beerus with just the flick of his finger and an attack from his forearm.

Super Saiyan God Goku

Goku (Super Saiyan God)

1.4 Quadrillion (Initial)/2.4 Quadrillion (Adapting)

Goku became a Super Saiyan God after the Ritual had been performed, five Saiyans, pure of heart; Gohan, Vegeta, Goten, Trunks, and his unborn granddaughter, Pan, shined their inner light into Goku, which summoned the power of the first Saiyan diety. After that was done, Goku fought Lord Beerus to defend the existence of the earth. Initially Goku was greatly being pressured by Beerus' immense power, but he slowly began to adapt and grow stronger.

Super Saiyan God Goku (Full Power)

6 Quadrillion

During their battle in the Earth's atmosphere, Goku was able to utilize the full power of a Super Saiyan God and was able to ascend past his limits. But to his dismay, his power ran out and he was back as a normal Super Saiyan.

Super Saiyan Goku (God power)

4 Quadrillion

Despite having his god power run out, Goku stated he didn't feel any different than before. Lord Beerus explained that Goku must've adapted to his god power so much, he didn't feel it leave him. Goku still fought Lord Beerus, knowing he was eventually gonna lose, but couldn't have Lord Beerus destroying the earth. That went on for a while, until Goku and Beerus clashed energy blasts which shook the universe once again, and created a ball of energy that Lord Beerus pushed towards Goku that would've obliterated the planet. Using all the might he could muster, Goku heaved and pushed at the ball, until he made a small opening in it and punched its core which caused it to detonate and ended the fight.

Goku (Post B.o.G - Pre R.o.F Sagas)

Goku Mid training pre Rof saga post Bog Saga

72.5 Trillion (Mid Training)

As Goku and Vegeta are training on beerus planet they spar with each other in a match.

Goku (Glimpse of Super Saiyan Blue)

Goku Glimpse of Super Saiyan Blue SSB Mid training pre Rof saga post Bog Saga

7.25 Quintillion (Mid Training)

Later in the match they clash fist as a glimpse of blue god ki shows up and then disappears showing their growth.

Goku (Resurrection F Saga)

75 Trillion

Goku & Vegeta trained on Beerus's planet under Whis for months and learned to use and sense god ki in their base forms. During their training, they attained a form that was beyond a Super Saiyan God; Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan or Super Saiyan Blue.

Super Saiyan Blue Goku

Goku (Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan)

7.5 Quintillion

100,000× Base Form (not fully mastered)

Upon mastering Super Saiyan God and learning to control his Ki, Goku was able to merge his Super Saiyan form with his God Ki which triggered the Super Saiyan Blue, while fighting against Golden Frieza. At first, Goku was no match for Frieza in his Golden form, but he realized if he could drag on the fight, Frieza would eventually lose his stamina, and that would give him the opportunity to turn the tables in battle.

Goku (Tournament of Destroyers)

Goku (Universe 6 Saga)

85 Trillion

After Champa challenged Beerus to a tournament between his universe and Beerus's universe, Goku and Vegeta accepted to participate. They spent three years training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Vegeta believe that him and Goku have reached their limits due to their heavy training. When the tournament began, Goku went up against Botamo and and easily knocked him out of the ring in base form. In his second match, he fought a first and second form Frost in his base form and still bodied him every which way. Until Frost revealed his final form.

Super Saiyan Goku

Goku (Super Saiyan)

4.25 Quadrillion

Goku uses his Super Saiyan form to take on Frost's final form and still has him completely overpowered, but didn't have the heart to end the fight because of how "nice" he is. Apparently, he wasn't the only one. But Frost violated the rules by pulling out a needle, and injected Goku with his poison in a punch that stunned him. Then Frost knocked Goku off the arena to finish off his dirty act.

Super Saiyan Blue Goku

Goku (Super Saiyan Blue)

8.5 Quintillion

After he managed to counter Hit's time-skip, he decided to take things seriously and go Super Saiyan Blue, which proved to be more powerful than Hit, but as the battle progresses so does Hit's battle power and his time-skip ability. Goku doesn't know how to tap into the full power of Blue as he only trained in base form.

Super Saiyan Blue Goku Kaioken ×10)

Goku (Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken x 10)

85 Quintillion

Seeing that Hit is more powerful than he thought, now unveils his new technique; the Kaio-Ken. Goku uses the power multiplier he learnt from King Kai, and merges it with Super Saiyan Blue. Goku notes the chances of him doing it are roughly 10% and failure will likely kill him. Once he finalizes his new transformation, he's able to break through Hit's time-skip with ease and greatly overpowered him. But as the battle progressed, Goku was rapidly being drained of stamina.

Goku (Goku Black Saga)

Goku (Future Trunks Saga Full Power)

90 Trillion

Goku and Vegeta received a distress message from Future Trunks about the plot of Goku Black against all mortals. They agreed to help Trunks beat Black and Zamasu and save his world.

Super Saiyan 2 Goku

9 Quadrillion

Goku uses Super Saiyan 2 against Trunks in a sparring match, who in his timeline has also achieved Super Saiyan 2. Goku also uses this form to take on Goku Black who is initially no match for Goku.

Super Saiyan 3 Goku

Goku (Super Saiyan 3)

36 Quadrillion

Goku gives Trunks a quick glimpse of his Super Saiyan 3 power before knocking him out. Trunks believes that Super Saiyan 3 Goku should be more than enough to defeat Goku Black.

Super Saiyan god goku

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1.8 quintillion

Goku uses super Saiyan god briefly in the manga against Future trunks and Zamasu

Super Saiyan Blue Goku

Goku (Super Saiyan Blue)

9 Quintillion

Goku and Vegeta followed Trunks to his world to battle Goku Black. Vegeta went Blue and beat Black up mercilessly. But the pain that was inflicted on Black only let him evolve and obtain the Super Saiyan Rosé transformation. Vegeta and Goku were still initially stronger, but Black was quickly able to utilize his full power and he slightly overpowered them both. And things got a lot harder when Zamasu showed up to join the fight.

Super Saiyan Blue Goku (second fight)

9.25 Quintillion

Goku and Vegeta returned with Trunks to his world to face off against the corrupt gods again. But Black only kept evolving and growing stronger and once again, overpowered all three of them.

Super Saiyan Blue Goku (Enraged)
Goku (Super Saiyan Blue Enraged)

18 Quintillion

Zamasu forced Goku against a wall while Black drew out his energy blade and stabbed them both. But since Zamasu was immortal, it had zero effect on him. Black went on to reveal all the horrible things he did to Goku's family after he obtained his body and mentioned that he slaughtered Chi-Chi and Goten. That made Goku really pissed off and he flew into such a rage. He was able to beat up both Goku Black and Zamasu while being injured with no damage on his part. But his fury only made Black stronger than he was before.

Super Saiyan Blue Goku (third fight)

9.45 Quintillion

Goku and Vegeta journeyed back to the future world to face off against Goku Black and Zamasu for the last time. Vegeta had overpowered Goku in battle while Goku continously beat Zamasu without letting him react. In the manga, while Goku Black was being pressured by Vegeta, Goku went Blue and used Mafuuba on Zamasu, which would've been completely successful if he'd brought the magic seal. The consequence of forgetting that was that Zamasu broke out of the jar.

Super Saiyan Blue Goku (perfected)

90 Quintillion

1,000,000× Base Form (fully mastered)

Goku learned how to tap into the full power of Super Saiyan Blue against Fused Zamasu after being healed by trunks

Super Saiyan Blue Goku Kaio-ken ×10

Goku (Super Saiyan Blue KaioKen)

180 Quintillion

Goku had exhausted all the strength in his arms, but still continues to fight Fused Zamasu. He grabs Goku's leg and crushes it, making Goku resort to the Kaio-Ken ×10 and dealt a powerful kick to his face.

Goku (Tournament Of Power Saga)

Goku (Tournament Of Power)

100 Trillion

Goku's love for a fight foolishly endangered the entire multiverse of elimination, or a way to survive elimination by participating in a tournament across all universes. Each universe of ten warriors are to attend a battle royale to determine the fate of their universe.

Super Saiyan Goku

5 Quadrillion

Goku went Super Saiyan and was able to tangle and eliminate multiple warriors from other universes, especially the Universe 9 warriors. He was able to meet up with the femal Saiyan warriors of Universe 6, Kale and Caulifla, and fought on par with Super Saiyan Caulifla, though he suppressed himself to help her evolve her power.

Super Saiyan 2 Goku

Goku (Super Saiyan 2)

10 Quadrillion

Goku taught Caulifla how to go Super Saiyan 2 and suppressed himself to fight on par with her. Towards the halftime of the tournament, he went Super Saiyan 2 again against Caulifla and Kale who both had their own Super Saiyan 2 forms.

Super Saiyan 3 Goku

Goku (Super Saiyan 3)

40 Quadrillion

Goku shows a brief display of Super Saiyan 3 before going back to Super Saiyan 2, which greatly surprised Caulifla and Kale. He Said he couldn't maintain it right then, because of the huge energy output, and he was already low on stamina.

Super Saiyan God Goku

2 Quintillion

Goku combated warriors from different universes like Dyspo and mainly the Universe 11 warriors. He was able to totally overpower Caulifla and Kale in their Super Saiyan 2 forms, but when the two female warriors fused into Kefla, they became a huge problem, able to body Goku in their base form.

Super Saiyan Blue Goku

Goku (Super Saiyan Blue)

100 Quintillion

Goku used Super Saiyan Blue most of the tournament, including having Universe 9 eliminated, fighting Dyspo, Super Saiyan Kefla, Jiren, and other warriors who used sneak attacks on him.

Super Saiyan Blue Goku Kaio-ken ×10

Goku (Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken x10)

1 Sextillion

Goku found out Jiren was more powerful than anyone he's ever come across, so he combined the Kaio-Ken with Super Saiyan Blue and multiplied it ×10, but was still nothing against Jiren.

Super Saiyan Blue Goku Kaioken ×20

2 Sextillion

Goku's first attempt at using the Kaio-Ken ×20 was against Jiren who was heavily suppressing most of his power. The Kaio-Ken ×20 with Super Saiyan Blue proved to be futile, seeing as Goku resorts to using his trump card, the Spirit Bomb.

Goku's Universe 7 Spirit Bomb + Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken ×20

Goku (Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken x20 Spirit Bomb)

4.5 Sextillion

Goku gathered energy from across all of Universe 7, plus energy from his friends already on the ring to form the Spirit Bomb. He threw it down on Jiren who easily pushed it back. So Goku went Super Saiyan Blue, which made Jiren use two of his hands, but he still pushed it back with ease. Then he multiplied Blue ×20, which made Jiren power up slightly. It was a long struggle, but in the end, Goku exhausted all his strength and bathed in his own attack, nearly killing him.

First Ultra Instinct Sign Goku

Autonomous Ultra Instinct Goku

5 Sextillion

50,000,000× Base Form

Goku having bathed in his own Spirit Bomb, seemed to be an obvious death, but Beerus was not going to accept it. So he yelled out asking Goku if he was done. Just as Jiren turned his back on the result of the Spirit Bomb's detonation, the entire ring began to rumble and soon there was a humongous silvery aura that blasted into the sky. As expected, it was Goku, with a new transformation; god power... pure god power... a technique gods were yet to master. The technique of angels. The technique that separates the body’s consciousness, letting him dodge attacks without thinking. Though it was incomplete, Goku was able to activate Ultra Instinct and fight on par with Jiren who had suppressed himself even less. But he lost the transformation and was blasted away by Jiren.

Second Ultra Instinct Sign Goku

10 Sextillion

100,000,000× Base Form

At the beginning Goku was fighting against Kefla and whis stated Kefla super saiyan having more power than the spirit bomb goku released on Jiren, Though Goku was being dominated in blue against Kefla super saiyan, he was still able to affect her making him somewhat relevant to her level. Goku was able to activate Ultra Instinct Sign for a second time when he was given a powerful kick to the face by Super Saiyan Kefla. The two of them charged up to full power with Kefla breaking through her limits and reaching Super Saiyan 2. But even after her evolution, Goku was still way faster and stronger. But due to the fact that he was still controlling his movements instead of letting his body move on its own, he lacked the strength necessary to land a proper blow. To finish off the fight, Goku dodged all of Kefla's final attacks, even in midair, and launched one of the most disrespectful Kamehamehas in all of the franchise.

Goku (Post Spirit Bomb Power up)

Goku base damaged

250 Trillion (Skillful Combat)

Goku bathing in the Spirit Bomb let him activate Ultra Instinct Sign the first time, but also gave him a huge power boost. So after his battle with Kefla, he was able to utilize that high power up he received. He was able to fight in his base form against the last three warriors from Universe 2.

Super Saiyan God Goku

5 Quintillion

Goku went Super Saiyan God to Aniraza, the fused warriors from Universe 3, along side with Gohan, Super Saiyan Vegeta, Android #18, Android #17 and Frieza. But even after his power up, his god form was nothing against Aniraza. #17 was knocked off the ring in all the commotion, but #18 jumped out of the ring, grabbed unto him, and pushed him back unto the ring. Her sacrifice, ensured the defeat of Aniraza and the winning universe as Universe 7.

Super Saiyan Blue Goku

250 Quintillion

Goku goes Blue and shoots a Kamehameha at Aniraza's final attack, along with Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta, Golden Frieza, Ultimate Gohan's Kamehameha and Android #17 ability to identify the source of his power, Aniraza was defeated, and Universe 3 eliminated. During the last few minutes of the tournament, Goku and Vegeta went Blue against Jiren again. Goku believed with his massive power boost, he would be able to fight Jiren more effectively, but Jiren proved that wrong.

Super Saiyan Blue Goku Kaio-ken ×20

5 Sextillion

Goku and Vegeta fought hard against Jiren, but could hardly make him take them seriously. So Goku combined the Super Saiyan Blue with Kaio-ken and multiplied it ×20, while Vegeta broke through his limits, unleashing the Super Saiyan Blue Evolved and fought Jiren together against Jiren with sharper attacks. Goku and Vegeta seemed to be on par with each other, until Vegeta was pushed further during his battle against Toppo and surpassed his limit again. But even their combined efforts where nothing against Jiren who decided to show a hint of his power. Goku and Vegeta were knocked and out and Android #17 was assumed dead. Goku also seemed to have lost the power he received from the Spirit Bomb after being beaten up by Jiren multiple times.

Final Ultra Instinct Sign Goku

Autonomous Ultra Instinct Final Sign

100 Billion × Base Form

10 Septillion

Goku once again had his back against the ropes, so his last attempt was to activate Ultra Instinct Sign again, and that's what he did. Whis said that this was his last chance to defeat Jiren, because he had already broken through his limits three times, which kinda abused the power. Goku fought on par with Jiren who was nearly at full power and his Ultra Instinct continued evolving, with sharper attacks and swifter movements. He let his body react on its own and his movements were more accurate than before. His movements were so perfect, he evolved again into the final stage which no god had mastered, so achieving this form made the gods rise in awe and respect.

Mastered Ultra Instinct


120 Billion × Base Form

12 Septillion

Goku finally masters Ultra Instinct, once doing so his power surpasses the seemingly unstoppable Jiren. When Jiren uses his full power he fights on par with Goku, slightly overpowers him and knocks him down. But his determination to protect his universe at all costs, made him get back on his feet, which let him dominate Jiren once again.

Mastered Ultra Instinct Goku (Enraged)

12.6 Septillion

Jiren angers Goku by shooting an energy blast at Universe 7 sidelines, which makes Goku go into a rage while in Ultra Instinct. It might've messed with Goku's Ultra Instinct, since the whole use of the power is to remove all unnecessary emotions. But Goku still greatly overpowered Jiren and shot a powerful Kamehameha that brought Jiren down.

Effect of Perfected Ultra Instinct on Goku

15 Trillion

Goku in Perfected Ultra Instinct was about to eliminate Jiren and claim victory for his universe, but his new found god power, ruptured and exploded within him, causing him to lose control of Ultra Instinct and power down to his base form, which in the end, greatly damaged him. The tables were turned and Jiren was about to eliminate Goku, but was saved by Golden Frieza. #17 seemed was discovered to have still been alive, so he and Frieza fight Jiren and were able to temporarily bring him down, before he rose again.

Goku (with Final Form Frieza and Android #17) vs Jiren

25 Trillion

During the last minute of the tournament, Goku was able to stand up and fight side-by-side with Frieza in his final form with Android #17, against Jiren.

Super Saiyan Goku and Final Form Frieza Final Attack (the power of trust)

50 Quintillion

For their final attack, Goku tapped into his inner reserves and forced his Super Saiyan transformation, while Frieza charged up to full power. The two sworn enemies, putting aside their differences, back-to-back, dropped down on Jiren and held his arms down while pushing him out of the ring. All three of them were eliminated, leaving Android #17 on the ring claiming victory for Universe 7.

Goku (Dragon Ball Super: Broly)

Goku (Dragon Ball Super Broly)

105 Trillion

Peace reigned in the universe for a while after the Tournament of Power, until the resurrected Frieza became a threat against Goku and Vegeta when he invited Broly and Paragus on his Frieza Force. Goku fought Broly after Vegeta was being pressured by Broly.

Super Saiyan Goku

Goku (Super Saiyan)

5.25 Quadrillion

Goku went Super Saiyan against Ikari Broly, but Broly still proved to be more powerful than Goku was.

Super Saiyan God Goku

Goku (Super Saiyan God Mastered)

2.1 Quintillion

Goku elevated the fight and went Super Saiyan God, and held Broly in a god bind. He tried to persuade him to fight for good, and the people he was working with were evil, but his rage overcame him and he broke free, emerging way stronger than before.

Super Saiyan Blue Goku

Goku (Super Saiyan Blue Mastered)

105 Quintillion

Goku powered up to Super Saiyan Blue and greatly overpowered Broly, though Broly was still able to hold his own against him with much difficulty, he was no match for Goku as he was. But Frieza believed that Broly hadn't hit his limit and he shot and killed Paragus, just to anger Broly to crash through his limits again. Broly was filled with rage and transformed into a C-Type Super Saiyan, with Goku falling greatly behind him. Goku was greatly overpowered by C-Type Super Saiyan Broly, so Vegeta went Blue and the two of them fought side-by-side to beat him. But the two of them couldn't counter any of Broly's attacks. They eventually had to retreat while they had the stamina, to learn fusion and beat Broly that way instead.

Manga Only

Goku (Galatic Patrol Prisoner Saga)

Goku (Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga)

200 Trillion

Goku and Vegeta came face-to-face with one of the deadliest foes they've ever fought, the planet-eater Moro. Their current strength was not enough to beat him and they had to retreat to train off world. Goku was taken by Merus into a Room of Spirit and Time were they covered six months of training in 2 months.

Super Saiyan Goku

Goku (Super Saiyan)

10 Quadrillion

Goku and Vegeta were fighting off the escaped Galactic Prisoners when Moro decided that then was a good time to start absorbing their energy. Their power was slowly being sapped as they were fighting.

Super Saiyan 3 Goku

Goku (Super Saiyan 3)

80 Quadrillion


During a head on clash between Super Saiyan God Goku and Saganbo, Goku was suddenly downgraded to his Super Saiyan 3 form, which gave Saganbo the opening he needed to punch Goku.

Super Saiyan God Goku

Goku (Super Saiyan God Mastered)

4 Quintillion

Super Saiyan Blue Goku

Goku (Super Saiyan Blue)

200 Quintillion

Goku and Vegeta went Blue to battle Moro in space, only for them to find out he was using his magic to avoid any fighting. Later on, they went Blue again to fight off the escaped Galactic Prisoners, but they still fell victim to Moro's energy absorption technique.

Completed Ultra Instinct Sign Goku

10 Sextillion (Stamina Reservation)

20 Sextillion (Full Power) 22 Sextillion (Overclocked)

Thanks to Merus' powers, Goku was able to activate Ultra Instinct Sign at will and do battle against Moro, who had become way stronger after devoured the life energy of multiple planets. Goku had overpowered Moro in speed and power, but when Moro charged up to full power, he grabbed Goku and squeezed his torso, and he lost the transformation. But Goku wasn't done yet and charged up to full power with his Ultra Instinct Sign and greatly overpowered Moro once again. But Goku lost, due to his huge stamina drainage.

Completed Ultra Instinct Sign Goku

20 Septillion

Goku was mortally wounded by Moro-73, but was later healed by Dende before dying. When he heard that Merus was in battle with Moro, he went to stop him. He activated Ultra Instinct Sign again but with Moro's new power up, he couldn't land a single attack on him.

Perfected Ultra Instinct Goku

Ukog Torakak

24 Septillion


Merus continued to fight, knowing of the consequences of his actions, hoping Goku can control his emotions and fully master Ultra Instinct. Goku jumped in trying to stop Merus from killing himself and fought moro using Ultra Instinct Sign standing no chance at all, even getting 1 tapped. Merus managed to seal of Moro's copy ability before he finally disappeared, and Goku witnessing that put him in a hot temper. But he managed to calm himself down and realized why Merus did all that. In doing so, he activated Perfected Ultra Instinct at full power, as easily as he does when he's a Super Saiyan. Goku mopped the floor with Moro-73 and greatly overpowered him, until Moro-73 fused the abilities he tried to coy from Merus with his power to feel how Ultra Instinct works. When he did so, he fought on par with Goku, or at least that's what he thought, because Goku showed his superiority over Moro-73. But more trouble arose when Moro-73 fused with the earth to contain Merus' powers and he prevented Goku from smashing the crystal on his forehead.

Perfected Ultra Instinct Goku (Avatar Mode)

30 Septillion

Hope seemed to be lost when Moro had Goku in his grasps and began to absorb energy from earth. But thanks to Uub, who lent Goku his divine energy, Goku was able to use Ultra Instinct again, but this time, summon a giant avatar version of himself. He was able to hold Moro down, which let him smash the crystal on his forehead thereby killing Moro once and for all.

Goku (Granolah the Survivor Saga)

Son goku by butanobakaart de4u8g2-fullview

210 Trillion

Vegeta and Goku were faced with another threat where they had to battle the last surviving Cerealian, who wanted revenge on the Saiyans for exterminating his tribe, Granolah. He had claimed to be the strongest in the universe with a wish from the Dragon Balls on Planet Cereal.

Goku (Amplified by Ultra Instinct)

4.46 Quadrillion

Once Goku fully focused his heart and soul to amplify his base form with Ultra Instinct form. He managed to access the completed form that gives him complete mastery of Ultra Instinct.

Super Saiyan Goku

10,5 Quadrillion


Goku failed to keep his heart calm and was shot at his vital point by Granolah from a great distance. Vegeta advised him to use his mind to dodge, rather than let his body do it for him. So he went Super Saiyan.

Super Saiyan God Goku

4.2 Quintillion

Goku takes on Granolah first and goes Super Saiyan God to start off the fight. Granolah proves to be faster than Goku expected and attacked him without giving him a chance to react.

Super Saiyan God Goku (Amplified by Ultra Instinct)
Goku (Super Saiyan God UI Amp)

91.2 Quintillion

Goku relaxed his heart, letting his body move on its own while in his god form. He was able to counter Granolah's attacks with his evasion techniques, but not for long, as he was struck in a vital point again.

Super Saiyan Blue Goku

Goku Super Saiyan Blue (Granolah Saga)

210 Quintillion


Goku went Blue after he witnessed Granolah output a huge amount of energy. The two of them fought on par with each other for a while, creating earthquakes that shook that planet and was felt by the Sugarians. But Granolah slowly began to adapt and had the upper hand in battle for a bit.

Super Saiyan Blue Goku (Amplified by Ultra Instinct)
Goku (Super Saiyan Blue UI Amp)

4.56 Sextillion

Goku amplified Blue with Ultra Instinct again, believing it would be harder for Granolah to counter his attacks. He did well for his first try, but when he opened fire a Kamehameha blast, he was locked in a situation where he had his heart racing again and Granolah hit his vital point again.

Perfected Ultra Instinct Goku

26 Septillion


Goku whipped out Perfected Ultra Instinct at full power and greatly had Granolah overpowered. And could've done the same even if Granolah didn't clone himself. His accuracy was decreasing when in Ultra Instinct because he wasn't keeping his heart calm, and that gave Granolah the opening to hit Goku's vital point again and knocked him out cold with a deadly punch.

Super Saiyan Blue Goku (partially healed)

21.5 Quintillion

Vegeta was mercilessly being beaten up by Granolah, so Goku, partially healed by himself and went Blue, stepped in because he believed he found a way around Granolah's vital point detection. He couldn't completely dodge his attacks, but he could shift his vital points out of harm's way. The only problem was that Granolah still had sharper attacks and were too hard for him to endure. Later after Granolah got to know the truth about who the bad guys actually were, Gas had knocked him out cold, and Blue Goku had to step in to prevent Granolah from being killed. But was easily beaten down by Gas, as he had become the strongest mortal in all universes.

Perfected Ultra Instinct Goku vs Gas (Decreased Accuracy)

25 Septillion

After Goku and Vegeta were healed by Monaito, the two of them charged up to full power, using their godly ki, unleashing Perfected Ultra Instinct and Ultra Ego to face off against Gas together.

True Ultra Instinct Goku

Granolah saga

37,5 Septillion

After Goku meditates, he meets Gas head on with a new transformation transforms with similar appearances with Ultra Instinct Sign. Gas asks why he didn't use his blue or silver haired transformation, and he states that for him to use Perfected Ultra Instinct, the necessity to have no emotions took tolls on his body, however with his new version Ultra Instinct, which truly worked for him, Goku uses his emotions as power, making it much more sustainable. He was able to easily overwhelm Gas, The same Gas that was fighting a amped Ultra Ego Vegeta, Meaning that Vegeta alone was 2x stronger than before. And since Goku was overwhelming Gas it would mean True Ultra Instinct is at least 5x stronger than MUI

Perfected Ultra Instinct Goku (Avatar Mode)

31,5 Septillion

After stalling for time so Granolah can charge up an attack to end Gas, Goku gets knocked out by Gas. However if Granolah fired it at that moment, it would detonate the planet that Granolah swore to protect. In all the commotion, Goku wakes up in his Perfected Ultra Instinct form and summons a giant avatar version of himself, picks Gas up and throws him to space so Granolah can shoot his energy blast safely. And since Gas couldn't get out of it it mean that MUI Avatar was slightly stronger than Gas.

Goku (Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero)

250 Trillion

During their training on Beerus's planet with Broly, Whis made Goku and Vegeta have a sparring match with the two of them fighting on par with each other for quite a long time, just to demonstrate to Broly how a sparring match goes. Afterwards the two of them were beyond weakened and could barely carry their own body weight. The fight ended with Vegeta landing a weak blow (more of a push with his fist) on Goku’s chest, and Goku collapsed, admitting defeat.

Goku (True Ultra Instinct, Vs Beast Gohan, Manga) Holding back

Goku perfected ultra istinct in the last dragon ball super super hero manga chapter

27,5 Septillion ( Holding back )

43,75 Septillion (Full power Unseen)

Dragon Ball Super (Manga Timeline)

Goku (Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return)

Goku normal by elninja75


Super Saiyan Goku

Goku SSJ Buu Saga

2.75 Billion

Goku (Battle of Gods)

Goku Drip


Super Saiyan Goku


4.5 Billion

Super Saiyan 2 Goku


9 Billion

Super Saiyan 3 Goku


36 Billion

Super Saiyan Goku Goku (80%)


1.5 Trillion

Super Saiyan God Goku (Full Power)


1.8 Trillion

20,000× Base Form

Super Saiyan Goku (God Adapted)


1.8 Quadrillion

Super Saiyan God Goku (Rage)

Db heroes goku ssjg r metamine10-d6dh636

1.8 Quadrillion

Dragon Ball Z Movies

Goku (Dead Zone)

Goku Weighted Dead Zone


In the alternate movie timeline around the same year as the fight against Raditz, Gohan's kidnapped by Garlic Jr. so Goku and flies over to get him back. He manages to beat Ginger, Nicky, and Sansho in their super forms with relative ease even though they had power levels of around 450. Goku then teams up with Piccolo to fight Garlic Jr. They eventually lose and are forced to take off their weighted clothing.

Goku (Weighted Clothing Removed)

Goku Dead Zone


Goku and Piccolo take off their weighted clothing and barely manage to beat Garlic Jr. in his super form. Garlic Jr. opens the dead zone which sucks in everything around them. Gohan emerges from some rubble enraged and easily defeats Garlic Jr, launching him into the dead zone, trapping him forever.

Goku (The World's Strongest)

Goku The Worlds Strongest


A little bit after the battle with the saiyans Dr. Wheelo is freed from the ice and searches for the strongest warrior on Earth. After Master Roshi and Bulma are captured Goku goes in to save them.

Goku (Kaioken ×2)

Goku KaioKen x 2


Goku easily beats Misokatsun then Ebifurya and Kishime who both have power levels of around 7,000 each. Piccolo, who was mind controlled by Wheelo, fights Goku but is beaten by an enraged Gohan. Wheelo then emerges from the wall, ready to finish it once and for all.

Goku (Kaioken ×3)
Goku KaioKen x 3


Goku powers up and rushes Wheelo, managing to do insane damage to him. He hits him with a Kamehameha but Wheelo's beam starts overpowering it.

Goku (Kaioken ×4)
Goku KaioKen x 4


Goku powers up into ×4 and sends Wheelo flying into space.

Goku's Spirit Bomb

Goku Spirit Bomb The Worlds Strongest


Wheelo gets sick of Goku and just decides to kill everyone by destroying the world, lauching a powerful beam that heads right for the Earth. Goku gathers the energy from every living being and launches a Spirit Bomb, killing Wheelo easily.

Goku (Tree of Might)

Goku frieza saga by feeh05051995-d3enyy0


Around a year after fighting the saiyans without any causalities the Turles Crusher Corps. plant the Tree of Might, slowly draining the energy from the Earth. King Kai ends up telling the Z-Fighters about it so they go to fight them. The Z-Fighters start losing to the Crusher Corps. until Gohan appears and beats some of them. Turles appears and easily defeats Gohan until he's saved by Piccolo, Turles then attacks Piccolo while he's offgaurd to win. Turles notices Gohan's tail and makes and artificial moon, turning Gohan into a Great Ape. After a bit of a struggle, Goku turns him back.

Goku (Full Power)

Goku Tree of Might


Goku kills the Crusher Corps. easily then fights Turles.

Goku (Kaioken ×2)

Goku KaioKen x 2 Turles


All's going well for Goku until Turles eats a fruit from the Tree of Might, growing way stronger.

Goku (Kaioken ×10)
Goku KaioKen x 3


Goku is easily beaten even once he powers up into Kaioken ×10.

Goku's Super Spirit Bomb

Goku Tree of Might Spirit Bomb


Goku harnesses the energy from the Tree of Might to create a Super Spirit Bomb, killing Turles.

Goku (Lord Slug)

Goku Lord Slug


Another year later Goku still hasn't gone to Namek and has just spent his time training. A mysterious planet crashes into Earth and some aliens walk out and explain how they plan to terraform the Earth and use it as a new ship. Their leader, Lord Slug, reads Bulma's mind and discovers the Dragon Balls. Slug has his minions find the Dragon Balls and wishes for eternal youth, becoming far stronger. Gohan tries to take down Lord Slug's minions but is defeated once Slug's Demon Clan appears. Piccolo saves Gohan and kills Wings but is beaten by Angila and Medamatcha. Goku appears and kills Angila and Medamatcha easily even with they have power levels of around 50,000 each. Slug emerges from his ship and beats Goku to half death.

False Super Saiyan Goku

Goku False Super Saiyan


Goku transforms into a "Super Saiyan" on the verge of death and easily beats Slug and even breaks one of his arms. As Goku's false power fades Slug transforms into his true form, becoming a giant and revealing he was a Namekian that was sent to Namek before it faced extinction millions of years ago. Slug beats the now base Goku until Piccolo tears off his own ears and tells Gohan to whistle. The wavelength of the whistling hurts Slug's ears and makes him fall over in pain.

Goku (Kaioken ×100)

Goku KaioKen x 100


Piccolo gives all his energy to Goku, revitalizing him and letting him briefly use Kaioken ×100. He uses his new power and charges through Slug, tearing a whole through him.

Goku's Spirit Bomb

Goku Spirit Bomb Lord Slug


Goku gets energy from the whole Earth and throws a Spirit Bomb at Slug and his ship, killing him and restoring the Earth.

Goku (Cooler's Revenge)

Goku saga saiyajin v2 by dbkaifan2009-d2z3tda copy


Goku (Full Power)

Goku Coolers Revenge


Goku (Kaioken ×20)

Goku KaioKen x 2 vs Cooler


Super Saiyan Goku

Goku SSJ Coolers Revenge


Goku (The Return of Cooler)

Goku The Return of Cooler


Goku (Kaioken ×20)

Goku KaioKen x 20.


Super Saiyn Goku

Goku Super Saiyan The Return of Cooler

1 Billion

Super Saiyan Goku (Exhausted)

Super Saiyan Goku


Goku (Super Android 13!)

Goku Super Android 13


Super Saiyan Goku

Goku SSJ Super Android 13

1 Billion

Spirit Bomb Super Saiyan Goku

Goku Spirit Bomb Super Saiyan

15 Billion

Goku (Broly - the Legendrary Super Saiyan)



Super Saiyan Goku


2.750 Billion

Super Saiyan Goku (Saiyan Power Absorbed)

Goku SSJ Full Power

25 Billion

Goku's Miracle Blow

Goku SSJ Miracle Blow

30 Billion

Dragon Ball Heroes

Namek Saga Goku (Dark empire saga, Super Saiyan, Vs Dark Dragon Ball Fighter Final Form Frieza, +Base Xeno Goku)

Namek Saga Goku Super Saiyan, Vs Dark dragon Ball Fighter Final Form Frieza, Dark Demon Realm saga

Power Level: 130,000,000 (Weakened, Beaten)

Namek Saga Goku (Dark Empire Saga, Super Saiyan, + Base Xeno Goku Dual Super Kamehameha Vs 100% Final Form Frieza)

Namek Saga Goku Super Saiyan and Base Xeno Goku Dual Super Kamehameha, Vs Dark dragon Ball Fighter 100% Final Form Frieza, Dark Empire saga

Power Level: 153,000,000

Super Dragon Ball Heroes

CC Goku (Prison Planet Saga)

Power Level: 500 Trillion

CC Goku (Super Saiyan)

Power level: 25 Quadrillion

CC Goku (Super Saiyan 2 Berserker)

Power level: 55 Quadrillion

CC Goku (SSJG)

Power Level: 10 Quintillion

CC Goku (SSJB)

Power level: 500 Quintillion


Power Level: 1 Sextillion / 10 Sextillion (x20)

CC Goku (Ultra instinct -Perfected-)

Power Level: 60 Septillion

CC Goku (Universe Conflict)

Power level: 675 Trillion

CC Goku (Super Saiyan)

Power level: 33.75 Quadrillion

CC Goku (SSJB)

Power level: 675 Quintillion

CC Goku (Ultra Instinct -Sign-)

Power Level: 67.5 Septillion

CC Goku (Ultra instinct -Perfected-)

Power Level: 81 Septillion

CC Goku (Universal Creation BBM P.1)

Power level: 750 Trillion

CC Goku (SSJB)

Power level: 750 Quintillion


Power level: 825 Quintillion

CC Goku (New Space-Time War BBM P.2)

BBM CC Goku Base

Power Level: 805 Trillion

CC Goku (Super saiyan Blue)

CC Goku Super Saiyan Blue Big Bang Mission

Power Level: 805 Quintillion

CC Goku (SSB Time Power + Xeno Goku SSJ4 Time Power)
CC Goku Super Saiyan Blue Time Power Big Bang Mission

Power Level: 8.855 Sextillion (Both powers Merged)

CC Goku (Ultra Instinct -Sign-)

Power Level: 80.5 Septillion

CC Goku (Ultra instinct -Perfected-)

Power Level: 90 Septillion

CC Goku (Universe Tree SSJB)

Power Level 850 Septillion (Universal Kamehameha)

After Goku absorbs some of the Universe Tree’s power his Super Saiyan Blue form is altered slightly in its appearance however his power has skyrocketed thanks to the power that the Universe Tree had taken from all 12 universe.

CC Goku (Theoretical Universe Tree Ultra instinct -Perfected-)

Power Level: 2.5 Octillion

CC Goku (Supreme Kai of Time Saga)

Goku base form by mgbz dcrcmub-pre

Power Level: 820 Trillion

CC Goku (Super Saiyan 3, Manga)

CC Goku Super Saiyan 3 Supreme Kai of Time Saga (Ultra God Mission)

Power Level: 328 Quadrillion

CC Goku (Super Saiyan God, Manga)

CC Goku Super Saiyan God Supreme Kai of Time Saga (Ultra God Mission)

Power Level: 16.4 Quintillion

CC Goku (Super Saiyan Blue)

Goku SSB w

Power Level: 820 Quintillion

CC Goku (Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken x20)
CC Goku SSBKK20 + Warrior In Black F. Gohan Father Son Kamehameha Future Present Version

Power Level: 16.4 Sextillion

CC Goku (Ultra Instinct -Sign 2 & 3 -, Vs W.I.B Bardock SSJ3 DDB Enhance)

CC Goku Ultra Instinct sign Big Bang Mission

Power Level: 82 Sextillion - 82 Septillion

C Goku (Ultra Instinct -Sign 3-, Vs Aeos True Form)
CC Goku Ultra Instinct sign 3 Big Bang Mission

Power Level: 82 Septillion

CC Goku (Mastered Ultra Instinct, + SSJ4 DDB Enhance W.I.B Bardock + W.I.B Future Gohan vs Time power Unleashed D.K Demigra)


Power Level: 98.4 Septillion

CC Goku (Post S.K.O.T, Fight with Xeno Goku)

Goku Supreme Kai of Time Ultra God Mission

Power Level: 820 Trillion

CC Goku (Ultra Instinct sign,)

CC Goku Ultra Instinct sign 3 Big Bang Mission ,vs Xeno goku SSJ4 Limit Breaker

Power Level: 82 Septillion

CC Goku (Mastered Ultra Instinct, Vs SSJ4 LB Xeno goku, Final Clash)

CC Goku Mastered Ultra Instinct Big Bang Mission ,vs Xeno goku SSJ4 Limit Breaker

Power Level: 88 Septillion

CC Goku (Demon Invaders [meteor mission])

Base goku after effects of mui, vs jiren with frieza

Power Level: 810 Trillion

Goku base damaged

830 Trillion (back to full power + a small zenkai)

CC Goku (Super Saiyan Blue)

Goku super saiyan blue demon invaders (meteor mission)

Power Level: 810 Quintillion

CC Goku (Ultra Instinct sign 2)

CC Goku ultra instinct sign 2

Power Level: 83 Sextillion

Xeno Goku (Demon Realm Saga)


Power Level = 18 Quadrillion

Xeno Goku (Super Saiyan)


Power Level = 900 Quadrillion

Xeno Goku (Super Saiyan 2)


Power Level = 1.8 Quintillion

Xeno Goku (Super Saiyan 3)

Goku ssj3 xeno 568px renfef353erwerw1tg57hyet4325t5reet56der dokkan battle by maxiuchiha22 ddl97s1-fullview

Power Level = 7.2 Quintillion

Xeno Goku (Super Saiyan 4)

Goku xeno ssj4 by andrewdb13 dcn1mda-pre

Power Level = 72 Quintillion

Xeno Goku (Super Full Power Saiyan 4)

Power Level = 450 Quintillion

Xeno Goku (Prison Planet Saga)

Xeno Goku Demon Realm SagaOIU*&^T%R$EDCFVD GBFHNT

Power Level = 20 Quadrillion

Xeno Goku (Super Saiyan 4)

Xeno Goku SSJ4 Demon Realm Sagaujhker

Power Level = 80 Quintillion

CC Goku and Xeno Goku start fighting, Xeno Goku turns SSJ4

Xeno Goku (Super Full Power Saiyan 4)

Power Level = 500 Quintillion

CC Goku fights at the full power of his SSJB while Xeno Goku fights with the strongest variant of his SSJ4 before they stop fighting and understand what’s going on

Xeno Goku (World Mission)

Xeno Goku SDBH World Mission8uerwidfkjeiurwhjf

Power Level = 27 Quadrillion

Xeno Goku (Super Saiyan 4)


Power Level = 108 Quintillion

Xeno Goku (Super Full Power Saiyan 4)

Power Level = 675 Quintillion

Xeno Goku (Universe Conflict/Creation Saga)

Goku xeno by andrewdb13 dcg3ion-fullview

Power Level = 30 Quadrillion

Xeno Goku (Super Saiyan 3)

Goku ssj3 xeno render sdbh world mission by maxiuchiha22 dd62lcu-fullview

Power Level = 12 Quintillion

Xeno Goku (Super Saiyan 4)

Goku Xeno SSJ4hjnmjkhbn hjuihybyubuy

Power Level = 120 Quintillion

Xeno Goku (Super Full Power Saiyan 4)
Xeno Goku Super Full Power Saiyan 4 (Universe Creation)

Power Level: 750 Quintillion

Xeno Goku (Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit breaker)

Power Level: 2.4 Septillion

Xeno Goku (SFPS4LB, + Xeno Vegeta SFPS4LB Dual Dragon Fist)
Xeno goku + Xeno vegeta Limit Breaker Dual Dragon Fist

Power Level: 4.8 Septillion (Powers Merged) - 12 Septillion (Dragon Fist Power)

Xeno Goku (New Space-Time War)

Xeno goku base form New Space-Time War (Big Bang Mission)

Power Level: 32.2 Quadrillion

Xeno Goku (Super Full Power Saiyan 4)

Xeno goku super saiyan 4 full power time power unleashed

Power Level: 805 Quintillion

Xeno Goku (SS4 Time power, + CC Goku SSB Time Power)
Xeno goku Full Power super saiyan 4 time power unleashed

Power Level: 8.855 Sextillion (Both powers merged)

Xeno Goku (Supreme Kai of Time, Ultra God Mission)

Xeno goku base form Supreme Kai of Time (Ultra God Mission)

Power Level: 205 Quadrillion (After effects of the time power)

Xeno Goku (Super Saiyan 4)

Xeno Goku Super Full Power Saiyan 4 (Ultra God Mission)

Power Level: 820 Quintillion

Xeno Goku (Post S.K.O.T, Fight with CC Goku)

Xeno goku base form Post Supreme Kai of Time (Ultra God Mission)

Power Level: 205 Quadrillion - 32.8 Quadrillion (After effects wear off after he loses the fight)

Xeno Goku (Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker)

Goku xeno ssj4 limit breaker by masterartzl deukcaq-pre

Power Level: 16.4 Septillion - 78 Septillion (Going beyond his limits + Reaching the time power)

Xeno Goku (SFPS4LB, Final Clash, Last bit of Power)

Xeno goku Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker Post Supreme Kai of Time (Ultra God Mission)

Power Level: 20 Septillion

Xeno Goku (Demon Invaders [meteor Mission])

Super Full Power Saiyan 4

Xeno goku super saiyan 4 limit breaker demon invader (meteor mission)

Power Level: 830 Quintillion

Xeno Goku (Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker)

Xeno goku super full power saiyan 4 limit breaker demon invader (meteor mission)

Power Level: 265.6 Sextillion (Holding back) - 2.656 Septillion

Dragon Ball Kakumei (2 Years after T.O.P Saga and Super Broly Movie)

After the tournament of power and the fight with broly, little do the people know there were consequences to android 17's wish and this is the alternate timeline that shows the aftermath of that wish.


Power Level: 125 Trillion

After two years of training with beerus and whis he ask beerus for a rematch with his current power, Beerus agrees to the match and the fight between mortal and god commences.

Dragon Ball Kakumei Base Goku Beerus energy ball damage

105 Trillion (Damage from beerus energy ball)

Dragon Ball Kakumei Base Goku Side effect of Ultra Instinct Sign

90 Trillion (Dropping[side effect of ultra instinct])

Dragon Ball Kakumei Base Goku Trapped-Held Captive
Dragon Ball Kakumei Base Goku Trapped-Held Captive and Frozen

0 (Trapped/held captive)

After the match with beerus whis was called to a meeting with the other angels and was about to drop off goku but encountered a problem in space after a while we find out goku has been held captive but the mother of angels because of how dangerous he was and later was frozen along with the Gods and angels of universes 13-18 and the mother of angels that will last for 2 years.

Super Saiyan Blue (Vs Beerus)

Dragon Ball Kakumei Super Saiyan Blue SSB Goku Vs Beerus

Power Level: 125 Quintillion

Dragon Ball Kakumei Zenkai's Super Saiyan Blue SSB Goku Vs Beerus

225 Quintillion (Power Growth/Zenkai's)

Ultra Instinct Omen

Dragon Ball Kakumei Ultra Instinct Sign Goku Vs Beerus

Power Level: 10.5 Septillion

Dragon Ball Kakumei Planetary Ultra Dragon Fist Ultra Instinct Sign Goku Vs Beerus

13 Septillion (Planetary UI Dragon Fist)

Ultra Instinct Omen (Super God Kamehameha)

Dragon Ball Kakumei Super God Kamehameha Ultra Instinct Sign Goku Vs Beerus Incomplete Ultra Instinct + Destruction-Hakai Energy

Power Level: 14.11 Septillion
